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Is there anything worse than trying to get up when you’ve had hardly any sleep? Nobody wants to start the day on a bad note, yet it happens to a huge portion of the population. If you’re reading this right now, then there’s every chance you’ve got black bags under your eyes and the beginnings of a tired headache.
So, why are you always feeling like this? Why can’t you get enough sleep every night?
It’s most likely down to one of these reasons:
Terrible Sleeping Environment
The place you sleep plays a pivotal role in determining how good your night’s sleep is. An ideal sleeping environment is quiet, dark, and provides you with a comfortable bed. If any of these things are not present, then there’s a high chance you’ll have a bad sleep. This leaves you waking up feeling drained of energy for the entire day.
Solutions to this problem are easy; address the environmental factors causing you additional stress. Get a new bed, soundproof your room or get earplugs, buy a sleeping mask, etc. Create a better environment, and you will sleep better.
Awful Bedtime Habits
Often, your sleeping environment can be perfect, but it’s what you do before going to bed that’s the issue. Are you always on your phone before trying to sleep? Do you stay up watching TV or using your laptop? All of this screen time has a negative effect on your sleeping habits as the blue light from these screens can suppress the hormone that makes you feel sleepy. Likewise, if you’re running around before going to bed or drinking lots of coffee, then you’re bound to feel more upbeat and energetic.
So, get into a good bedtime routine before going to sleep. Try and set aside an hour, maybe half an hour, where you set your phone aside and just relax in bed. Reading a book is a great activity to do to avoid screen time and help you fall asleep faster and for longer.
Underlying Health Conditions
Unfortunately, some of you are prevented from sleeping due to underlying health conditions. There are various sleep-related conditions – like sleep apnea – that stop you from sleeping comfortably through the night. In this case, your solution is to see a doctor and get a diagnosis. They may prescribe something like Modafinil to help you feel more awake the next morning, and they’ll also try and treat the underlying issue itself. Remember, it’s always a better idea to try and get through the problems naturally before you turn to prescription medication.
Similarly, other health conditions can affect sleep indirectly. Stress and anxiety are two great examples of this. While not technically categorized as sleep disorders, they will keep you up at night. Again, the only course of action is to address the problem itself!
Figure out which category you fall into and follow the advice to set things right. Some of you may fall into a combination of categories – or all three! In which case, you have to do everything outlined in this post to enjoy a better night’s sleep. Of course, there’s one other category: new parents. If you have a new baby, then your lack of sleep is probably caused by them. Sadly, there’s not a lot you can do about this other than grit your teeth and wait for quieter nights!
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
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